May 29 17



At New Bedford, we offer more than just billing expertise—we provide a team of specialists working together and dedicated to your success.

Our Six Sigma approach is based on doing things right the first time, every time. If we make mistakes, we identify and eliminate the root cause providing you the most effective process possible to collect money in a timely manner.

Denied claims are lost money and sorting through thousands of denial reasons to identify and correct errors is time consuming and costly.

Let New Bedford’s experience and expertise resolve these issues so your staff can focus on patient care.

  • Clean claims.
  • Increase collections.
  • Reduce your teams administrative burden..
  • Reduce write-offs.
  • Decrease third-party collection costs.
  • A knowledgeable partner you can count on.
  • Experienced staff who know your payor issues.
  • Access to trained certified coders and management with 50 years combined experience.